Monti neighbourhood

Monti is one of the very central districts of Rome just located a few minutes away from the Colosseum and Forum. It lies in an area surrounded by 3 of the 7 Roman hills and in ancient times here was the Subura, Rome’s slums, now it is home to well off residents. . It’s one of the few areas where the urban texture was not totally disrupted in modern times when Rome became the capital of Italy so the it maintains the fascinating atmosphere of “la vecchia Roma” (the old Rome”): narrow streets, small shops, boutiques, old crafts and and quality food choices. The area is visited by tourists but is also a typical hang out place for young Romans on weekends.

My tour aims at offering an insight of the area and a visit to some of the lesser known but very important churches in the area:

St.Peter’s in Chains church where is housed the famous Michelangelo’s Moses

Santa Prassede church with the gilded mosaics

S. Martino ai Monti church with the visit to the underground ancient Roman villa (III c. AD) located below the church.

Michelangelo’s Moses

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